Mark has been taking photos for the majority of his life. His Grandad had an old Pentax that used to fascinate him. It’s only recently that he has invested in good equipment and it has transformed his love of photography into something more, something that he feels he can share with people and use as a way to tell a story.
He loves to experiment with all kinds of different angles and compositions. He loves to use a crystal ball to line certain images up in, as well as using the natural lines in nature or architecture to create a frame for something beyond.
Mark's all time favourite place to chill out and photograph is Druridge Bay. Such a beautiful part of the Northeast coastline and an incredible place to relax in.
He hopes he can capture peoples imaginations and would love to develop his hobby into something that he could one day make a living from. The dream would be to see his work published.
Support Mark and follow his social media accounts so you can keep up to date with his journey. All images are available to buy online and they will look fantastic up on your walls.